How to Care for Your Pet’s Teeth

April 11, 2019

Did you know April 11 is National Pet Day? Celebrate all month long by improving the ways in which you care for your pet’s health! At West Maitland Dentistry, many of our team are pet owners. While we adore our four-legged friends, we understand it can feel a bit overwhelming to remember every little bit of keeping your pet healthy. You probably have the basics of pet ownership down, but did you know that your pets need regular dental care? Read on to learn more about caring for your pet’s smile to ensure they lead a long and comfortable life with healthy gums and strong teeth.

Pet Oral Care Tips

  1. Start Healthy Habits Early
  2. The perfect time to start brushing your pet’s teeth is when they are young. If you can get your puppy or kitten accustomed to regular brushing early, it’ll be an expected part of their day once they’re full grown. However, if you have a teenager, middle-aged, or senior pet, don’t give up hope! These animals will just require a bit more encouragement and patience.

  3. Use the Right Tools
  4. In order to care for your pet’s teeth, you’ll need the right supplies. Make sure you get an enzymatic toothpaste specially formulated for pets, as human toothpaste can be poisonous to pets. Most pet stores sell specialized toothpaste in a flavor your pet will love, like poultry or bacon. You’ll also need a soft-bristled toothbrush with a long handle to reach all the crevices in your pet’s mouth. In a pinch, some gauze wrapped around your finger can work, too. Additionally, supplementing your pet’s oral hygiene routine with a yummy dental chew treat is a great way to help break up plaque between brushings.

  5. Be Gentle
  6. Choose a location that is familiar and comfortable for your pet. Then, just like with your own teeth, you’ll want to gently, but thoroughly, clean each of your pet’s teeth. If you brush too vigorously, you could damage their enamel or irritate their gums. For optimal oral health, brush your pet’s teeth once each day to help them avoid bad breath, tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

  7. Maintain Regular Checkups
  8. Just like humans need professional cleanings to supplement their at-home hygiene routine, your pets will need the same thing. Most pets should receive a yearly professional cleaning from their veterinarian.

A beagle dog with a floral harness looks to the side smiling with its tongue hanging out by green foliage

Healthy Teeth for Every “National Pet Day”

By adopting a consistent routine of caring for your pet’s dental health, you can ensure their teeth stay healthy their entire life. Your pet will be able to eat comfortably and pain-free, and you’ll be protected from many emergency expenses related to common dental issues for dogs and cats. And every National Pet Day, you can post a picture of your furry companion with a beautiful smile that is healthy and well taken care of.

Remember Your Own Oral Health!

While you’re caring for your pet’s mouth, remember to keep up with your own oral hygiene by brushing and flossing every day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste, and coming to see us every six months for a checkup. To ask our team any questions about how to properly care for your teeth or to schedule your next visit to our office, contact us today.


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